Program Details
BEng in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The MECH program prepares students to become high-caliber professionals in engineering industries and services, both in the Greater Bay Area and beyond. Our curriculum offers a balanced foundation in mechanics and materials, thermodynamics and fluids, design and manufacturing, control technologies, and more. Throughout their studies, students benefit from hands-on laboratories, independent research projects, and various enrichment opportunities. Our graduates excel in various fields, with many joining major companies such as the MTR (Mass Transit Railway), Hong Kong’s metro system, and CLP (CLP Power Hong Kong Limited), a leading energy provider. Others choose to pursue postgraduate studies at prestigious institutions in the Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as the US and the UK.
BEng in AEROSPACE ENGINEERING The AE program prepares students to become high-caliber professionals in the aerospace industry, both in the Greater Bay Area and beyond. Our curriculum provides students with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills needed to design, analyze, and test aerospace vehicles as well as associated technologies. Throughout their studies, students benefit from hands-on laboratories, independent research projects, and various enrichment opportunities. Our graduates pursue various career paths. Many join major aerospace service companies, including Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited (HAESL), and Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO). Some opt to further their education at the postgraduate level, while others embark on their dream careers as airline pilots. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is at the forefront of advancing mechanical and aerospace engineering fields, focusing on cutting-edge research disciplines such as materials and structures, fluids and thermodynamics, design and manufacturing, statics and dynamics as well as control systems. Our field also leverages modern and emerging technologies such as computer-aided design, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Our two BEng programs aim to equip our students with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills required for a successful engineering career. A wide variety of enrichment programs from co-op experiences to industry mentorships are available to develop students’ personal and professional skills while fostering innovative thinking.
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