2025 JUPAS Admissions
A wide range of scholarships and admissions schemes are in place to recognize distinguished academic success and noteworthy non-academic achievements. Admissions Scholarship for HKDSE Holders HKDSE candidates attaining Level 5* or Level 5** in one or more Category A subjects or M1 / M2 in one single sitting of HKDSE are eligible for the HKDSE Scholarship. The School of Engineering (SENG) has further enriched some of the scholarship amounts for local students. All award levels and award amounts below are subject to revision for 2025 Admissions.
Scholarship Amount for Students Admitted in the 2024 / 25 Academic Year SENG Exclusive Top-up
Total number of * attained r æ
“Full tuition plus living allowance of HKD60,000” p.a., renewable for normative duration of study “Full tuition plus living allowance of HKD30,000” p.a., renewable for normative duration of study Full tuition p.a., renewable for normal duration of study Full tuition, renewable for first two years of study Full tuition plus living allowance of HKD20,000, one-off
12 or above
10 - 11
9 8
6 - 7
5 4 3 2
Full tuition, one-off HKD30,000, one-off HKD20,000, one-off HKD15,000, one-off HKD5,000, one-off
r Mathematics Extended Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) and Mathematics Extended Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) are also counted as independent subjects in the subject requirements of the Scholarship Scheme. Results for Applied Learning subjects (Category B) and Other Language subjects (Category C) are not considered in the Scholarship Scheme. æ (Level 5** and 5* combined) = No. of subjects with 5** x 2 + No. of subjects with 5* Scholarship for International / Asian Olympiad Medalists # HKUST has a scholarship scheme honoring International / Asian Olympiad Medalists.
Scholarships are available to: • International Olympiad Gold Medalists • International Olympiad Silver Medalists • Asian Olympiad Gold Medalists
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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Scholarship # WISE has been set up to encourage outstanding female students to pursue STEM related undergraduate programs.
Who is eligible? • New full-time female local student • Attained Level 5** in at least one HKDSE subject • Selection is based on students’ non-academic talents, science & technology competition achievements, interview performance and financial needs.
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# Top-up scholarship may be offered by School / Program Office provided that the maximum limit of “Full Tuition Fee + HKD60,000 allowance” p.a. is not exceeded.
School Nominations Direct Admissions Scheme (SNDAS) The Education Bureau (EDB) has introduced SNDAS to recognise the talent of local students that could not be fully assessed by HKDSE. Each Hong Kong secondary school can nominate up to two students to HKUST for direct admissions.
What does HKUST offer to successful SNDAS applicant? • Firm Admissions Offer regardless of HKDSE results • One-off SNDAS Scholarship of HKD50,000
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Beyond Academic Admissions Scheme (BAAS) We celebrate diversity and recognize the different talents our students bring to the university community. BAAS welcomes anyone excelling in areas ranging from innovation to sustainability, and entrepreneurship to e-sport.
What does BAAS awardee get? • Favorable Admissions Consideration(s) • One-off Scholarship of HKD50,000
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Information in this pamphlet is correct as of September 2024, but is subject to change without prior notice. Please visit seng.hkust.edu.hk for the latest information.
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